సిద్ధిదాత్రి Siddhidatri అణిమ (శరీరమును అతి చిన్నదిగా చేయుట), మహిమ (శరీరమును అతి పెద్దదిగా చేయుట), గరిమ (శరీరము బరువు విపరీతముగా పెంచుట), లఘిమ (శరీరమును అతి తేలికగా చేయుట), ప్రాప్తి (కావలసిన వస్తువులు […]
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Devī Navrātri is a festival that is celebrated over a period of nine days in honor of the goddess Devi or Shakti, who is the supreme feminine power. The festival usually takes place twice a year, in the months of Chaitra (March-April) and Ashvin (September-October), according to the Hindu calendar.
During Navratri, devotees worship different forms of the goddess, each of which is associated with a particular energy or power. The nine forms of the goddess worshipped during Navratri are:
Devotees observe fasts, perform special prayers and rituals, and offer prayers and offerings to the goddess during Navratri. The festival is also marked by music, dance, and cultural events, such as Garba and Dandiya Raas, which are traditional folk dances of Gujarat and other parts of India.
The tenth day of Navratri is celebrated as Vijayadashami or Dussehra, which commemorates the victory of good over evil. It is believed that on this day, the goddess Durga defeated the demon Mahishasura, who symbolizes evil and ignorance. The festival of Dussehra is celebrated by burning effigies of the demon Ravana, as a symbol of the victory of good over evil.
Devī Navrātri is an important festival, particularly in northern and western India. It is a time to celebrate the power of the goddess and seek her blessings for prosperity, success, and spiritual growth.
సిద్ధిదాత్రి Siddhidatri అణిమ (శరీరమును అతి చిన్నదిగా చేయుట), మహిమ (శరీరమును అతి పెద్దదిగా చేయుట), గరిమ (శరీరము బరువు విపరీతముగా పెంచుట), లఘిమ (శరీరమును అతి తేలికగా చేయుట), ప్రాప్తి (కావలసిన వస్తువులు […]
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