Garuda panchami Vratham

Garuda Panchami Vratham

గరుడ పంచమి వ్రతం

Garuda panchami Vratham

Garuda Panchami celebrates mother and children adorefondnesscommitment and bond between each other. The celebration is devoted to Garuda since of his commitment towards his mother Kadhru. Garuda Panchami pooja is basically perfomed by ladies for the way better wellbeing and future of their children. This pooja is additionally done by recently married couples for their conjugal delight and affluent life.

Garuda is the vehicle of Sri Maha Vishnu, Garuda is additionally adored as ‘Dwarapalaka in many sanctuaries devoted to Master Vishnu. Garuda is additionally called as Garuthmantha. Amid the celebrationaficionados revere Garuthmantha along side Naga devatas.

Garuda panchami as per our convention is celebrated by all ladies hitched or singleLadies will go to the insect slope and offer pooja to naga and rice kolkattai (sweet as well dhal one) is served as naivaidhyam and the mud from the insect slope is brought to domestic. after that brothers are told to sit on the rangoli and sisters offer pooja to them.

Sisters will do vrath and eat as it were heated nourishment such as idli  rice kolkattai oil is totally prohibited on that day. The story will be presented and the shoulders of brothers were marginally pat by sisters with the sticks of banyan and kanagalai clears out. They implore for the great wellbeing and longetivity of brothers.

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