Saraswathi Devi Vratham
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Saraswathi Devi Vratham
One day in kautumbi war broke out among the brothers of the Ruler to isolate the kingdom, All the competitors of the position of royalty pursued the war together with their armed forces onto Raajavarma 21 days day and night fight went on and in conclusion owing to vidhi Raajavarma misplaced the battle as all his armed force was annihilated. RAAJVARMA at the side his spouse went into the timberland hit by terrible good fortune. Predetermination because it was the lord and spouse went without nourishment for numerous days within the wilderness which was thick .
Numerous days of starvation thirst and restlessness made the Raaja endure sick wellbeing and incapable to walk within the profound wilderness . Pativrata spouse Chandramukhi , took her illness struck spouse onto her back and making a boisterous cry went more profound into the wilderness in look of protect nourishment and rest .
Rushi Angeeras was profound into contemplation within the timberland , hearing the boisterous cry of anguish of a lady within the wilderness sage Angeeras was profoundly irritated and inquisitive as well . He went into the course of the cry and found a defenseless lady battling alongwith her infected spouse .
The sage took feel sorry for onto the couple , brought them to ashram . after bolstering them and medicating the Ruler ,. Inquired approximately his state and appearance into the woodland , Chanddramukhi retold the tragedies they had to experience as a result of vanquish within the war and inquired for the cures to conclusion their torments .
From that day onwards Rani Chanramukhi carried out Saraswati vrat each year with ceremony and walk and having gotten the elegance of Saraswathi within the shape of Durga lived cheerfully with all the joys and fortunes .
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