Ksheerabdi Dwadasi vratam puja
క్షీరాబ్ది ద్వాదశి వ్రతం
Ksheerabdi Dwadasi vratam
Karthik Masam is celebrated for the revere of Ruler Shiva and Master Vishnu. When the full moon enters into Krithika the searing planet, the month is named Karthikam. In such an auspicious month, Chiluka Dwadasi/Ksheerabdi Dwadasi falls on the 12th day. This day is additionally called as Chinuku Dwadasi,Thirthana Dwadasi,Tulasi Dwadasi.
Uthana Ekadasi falls a day some time recently Chiluka Dwadasi. Master Vishnu who was in enormous rest from Ashada suddhaa Ekadasi,wakes up on Karthika Ekadasi. Consequently it is named as Haribodhini Ekadasi. Ksheerabdi Dwadasi moreover means the starting of Ksheera Sagara Mathana (Churning of theMilk Ocean).
On this day Tulasi & Indian gooseberry (amla) plants are revered beside Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi with 360 wicks plunged in dairy animals ghee . Karthika masam may be a wonderfulness for lighting the diyas.People who can’t perform deeparadhana day by day can atleast light the diyas on the days of Suddha dwadasi,chaturdasi and Pournami.
It was said in Vishnu Puranam that individuals who not as it were lits the diyas but moreover who flares the diyas, gets the elegance of Master Vishnu. The otherworldly message related with this movement indicates that , human creatures ought to offer assistance other individuals in require.
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